Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Book Troubles (or Strong Scents Clinging to Paper - The MCS Files)

I'm reading a story about a girl whose boyfriend broke up with her because she was reading a book at a funeral.  Prior to that, she'd walked into a lamppost while reading.  Reading while cooking, she'd accidentally started a kitchen fire.

As for myself, I was caught sniffing a book Saturday at the library, checking for absorbed scents too strong to bring home.  The pretty, petite librarian clicked by happily in her high heels when I heard -- and saw, out of the corner of my eye -- the sudden catch in her step.  It was then that I realized the book in my hand was still held up to my nose.

She picked up speed again, thankfully . . . . .

Higher Logic

Instinct rushes to identify
trouble brewing on the sly.
Pedantic reasoning has the fate
of often being much too late.


A lie nearby
can sometimes be felt
when instinct warily recoils.
Gut twists in response
to an unseen prompt
that wrecks peace as it roils.
Something obscure,
something unsaid
left swirling in the air,
the churning waters in its wake
mute proof it had been there.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Broken Words

Broken words and broken poems,
the language of the lost,
the stammering of beggars begging,
"Hear me, though it cost."

In Memory's Ear

Breathing I heard
in memory's ear. 
Frightening?  Not now,
because it's not here. 
Whose breathing was it --
in memory's time? 
This I know only: 
It wasn't mine.

My Prayer

Help me to become
who I must be,
before You regret
ever making me.

The Stranger

by words 
and keen,
I halted. 
The stranger
had a soul,
and I began
to see.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I don't understand contentment based on
creature comforts alone.
I refuse to treat as tragic
the availability of "mauve" as opposed to "bone."
I cannot bear to fuss about
this method versus that.
Change is not a scandal to me
as it might be to a cat.
Death is coming to us all,
vanity is air and fluff,
so when people rave on about trivial things -- 
enough, enough, enough!

Silent Sorrows

There are sorrows never broached,
yet they exist . . .
shadows passing over a face,
sadness behind a smile.
These unspoken things
have their place,
for if they're in man's heart,
they matter.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Time Change

Drunk with night's exhausting dreams
I painstakingly wend my way,
old layers of time interposing themselves
in memory through the day.
I shake off old time zones from hour to hour,
trying hard to remain "present time,"
but the old zones slip in, over and over again,
without tangible reason or rhyme.
It tires a body, this constant flux,
global movements in the mind,
each bearing an old mood, like an old perfume,
"signature notes" varied in kind.
One whiff after another, fickle time has its way
of obliviously wafting through,
uncaring of mindset it blithely disturbs
as it swings between old and new. 

Friday, November 25, 2011


Answers that elude me --
go ahead, fly away!
Sad and disgusted,
I'm too weary to play.
What God wishes me to see,
He will reveal.
I've no more patience
to withstand the unreal.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Exile Unspoken

Drained from pretense
(or was it charity?),
I sit in a warm, dry room
after a sunlit day,
damp and chilled in the bones. 
And the work was hard --
hours of buoyant conversation --
for there was no bond left,
only burned bridges
long ago incinerated. 
In their ashes I swam,
attempting to vivify dead memories
and ties which, perhaps, never were . . .
the futility of it all
breaking again and again and again
my own dumbstruck heart.
Why bother with words, when silence can be so much richer?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jealous Captor

On his knees within,
the addict stumbles through the day,
substance crooning, "I'm your friend,"
while holding friends at bay.
Mere mortals can't compete
with the peaks of ecstasy
that wax and wane alluringly
in twisted reverie.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

By Itself

Thanksgiving alone
might be my fate --
goat yogurt and cranberry
marooned on my plate.
Dandelion tea
might offer a perk . . . . .
No coffee -- but chicory!
Now that would work.
But then, chicory comes
with barley mixed in --
Can someone find me chicory
by itself,
in a tin?

I Worry

Organs ailing within and I worry,
worry about what it all might mean.
Doctor's office makes me sick
between disinfectant and candlewick,
but the pain remains constant and keen.

Writer's Holiday

Unwell, I write,
and write all the more,
distress pouring out of me.
Well, I write,
but in measured dose,
more conscious of heart's lock and key.

Thoughts During an October Illness

In the breathtaking 
(so beautiful!)
approaching noon,
eyes cringing from the
ears buzzing softly,
head in a misty daze . . .
I had the fervent desire
to cry.

it's just games.
Even a smile 
can lie,
when there is no 
real warmth
behind it.
for the sake of honesty,
we would do much better
to frown.


If you have one person
who really cares about you,
consider yourself
because many people find
to be a burden.
I don't know why.


Eyes stiff,
vision wobbly,
inflamed brain nearly pounding out of my skull,
I finally gave up writing
to watch an idiosyncratic romance,
laughing my head off
like a crazy person . . . . .
Maybe tonight I'll watch
the Weather Channel.

Fragrance Sweet

Beautiful music
performed by friends --
fragrant oil on the raw wound
when nothing else will do,
assuring me that
I, too,
will sing again.

Fine Line

We see and don't always say what we see,
for charity is a delicate veil
that prudence must sometimes mend,
although the veil can sometimes wear
so very thin,
prudence feels almost like a 

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Poet's Heart

The poet's heart dangles
from a fragile limb,
enduring ice and snow
through Spring's balmy kiss,
beyond Summer mist,
for reasons even he may not know.

Art's Irony

Sorrow trumps comfort
and riddles remain 
whether I favor dash or dot.
Words people the page
(be they wise or strange) --
while the poet matters not.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lost Treasure

"I'm your friend," the substance croons.
"Come join me and you'll see."
But thoughts get twisted in the lair of
potent reverie.
Tempting, fleeting sense intense,
illusion's useful tool:
happiness mimicked, power distorted --
pleasures rare and cruel.
When elusive bliss has ended,
forced devotion miserably spent,
heart begs of man a reckoning
of where its treasure went.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Bent low,
I feel my failures
and their weight pulls me
taunting me,
daring me
to get up --
get up!

Surprise --
I intend to 
with strength spent long ago
and skills in which I am poor.
I must go forth.
He cloaks the birds
in splendor -- 
surely He will fill these
empty hands
with something,
something I have not yet imagined,
animating mind and heart
to learn, to do --
and the strength will be all His.
I will go forth.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The two hardest words
can sometimes be
not "May I?"
not "Thank you,"
not "I'm sorry,"
but  . . . 
"Help me."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Claiming the Dawn

"The canvas isn't broad enough!" thought I,
and with the sunrise I jumped up,
taking my hives and my shredded past
out for a ride 
to catch the dawn,
soul expanding with the horizon
to the tunes of pre-Thanksgiving Christmas songs
("Do You Hear What I Hear?"  I do!  I do!),
drumming my pen on the wheel,
wanting to write, drum, and drive all at once;
and the morning bustle was still there
(I had to check) --
trails of cars, headlights streaming in the morning light,
school buses pausing as mine used to do.
Thrilled to be part of the world's pulse was I,
and the clock started ticking again --
this time for me! -- my morning, my sun, my ride --
and back up the driveway I drove,
glowing from the harpsichord rhapsody
of "The Gordian Knot Untied" on 105.9 . . .
needing to celebrate. 
Furtive chase of the dawn completed,
I made the morning coffee
at 8:30 a.m. today 
for the first time in eight years --
two scoops, French Roast organic.
(Better make that four.)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Look Alive

Left to rot in a deserted garden
of walls and dank silence,
some benumbed part of spirit
still languishes there,
unable to rise,
too weak,
too deathly tired
even to look up.
never noticing the void,
smile and wave.

Friday, November 11, 2011


And the sun triumphs again,
rays beaming,
wind rippling,
nature pulsing
with the heartbeat of life

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dual Effect

Torment thick,
and it's raining within . . .
round, heavy drops
pelting my heart,
sobs erupting over
grave games
with words,
weaponry subdued
but, at the same time,

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Moment of Weakness

Yesterday's terror
still under the skin,
raw nerves, too alert,
now burning within.
What will push the fright
still lodged inside me out for good?
Others' understanding?
Perhaps, perhaps, it could . . . . .

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Face

There is a hardness
that can replace
warm blood and humanity,
stiffening a face into stone,
chiseled planes of bone
so cold,
water could freeze on them.
Eyes, fixed,
slick pools of bottomless ice
stilled by something
worse than hate --
no fire blazing there.
Cheeks taut,
skin pulled tight,
flexing only to grimace
symmetry dissolving
into misshapen madness.
And the face
cares not.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jewel Underfoot

Discomfort takes its stand,
crying out to complain,
but not from pain.
Pain knows better than to
shake its fist and sulk --
as do those whose noses
have never scraped the ground.
If pain should resort to such trifles,
they would be base imitations,
the weight of such lies
casting it down once again.
And how tragic to stamp one's feet
in a pretender's rebellion,
only to realize later
that pain, humbling and true,
had left a precious jewel in its wake,
now crushed

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November Spring

Water dripped in sparkles
as the sun,
cushioned in blue and white,
blazed coolly
through the thawing day.
And the knowing went on,
fluid thoughts
cresting in peaks of melting snow,
glistening moments of love
showing up the flat grays
of indifference;
shady spots sheltering
rare snapshots of silence
in its varied states and meanings,
sun-warmed spots holding
tender vignettes of affection.
The knowing moved forward
with the day,
as the light flickered 
from tall window to wall
and leapt with the joyful
of life living itself.