Friday, June 8, 2012

Beyond All Measure*

*Dedicated to all who are trying to save the River Shannon.

Threads dangling,
God's river hanging
on the words of a committee --
flimsy plans, such a pity! 
If they'd only listen to the 
men of the river -- 
algal blooms to make one shiver
will spread with Nature's cry suppressed
as city men of means, well-dressed,
seize water from the country folk,
around their necks place Dublin's yoke,
and watch the Shannon bleed her treasure


patience and the prodigal said...

"Beyond all Measure" has been relayed to all the members of our branches in Ireland and is much appreciated! Thank you.

Turquoise said...

It is I who appreciate being able to join my voice to all of yours. May your message carry!

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