Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lady Little's Lunch

Noontime beamed
sunny plans by the bunch
as Lady Little declared: 
"I'll make their lunch!" 
Bursting watermelon sliced thin,
broccoli sprouts tucked in,
nip of rose in the water --
courtesy of Lady daughter. 
So, the men ate their rolled Swiss
'neath daisy-strewn bread
(with enough streams of mustard
to turn the head),
voicing heartfelt regard for Lady sweet,
eager preparer and bestower of treat.

Of Moment

Falls the hush . . .
for some mysteries won't be pierced: 
a rose
before the petals,
legacy in a
dewdrop --
words too nascent
to be uttered,
lest they drown.

Friday, June 22, 2012


The same eyes, yet different. 
Had he always looked at her that way? 
Yes, and no,
but now
a jest, a nerve
And with that little extra
he renounced her.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Awaiting

The house was lit black --
not dim at all. 
He flung the door open
and clung to the wall,
flicking the light switch,
not daring to breathe --
feet glancing stairs
in key places to leave
the silence in place
and not rouse the awaiting
who, catlike, took pleasure
in furtive mouse-baiting. 
So he tiptoed, a feather
brushing stair upon stair,
inching downward to reach
his small room locked with care
to keep away trespassers
known and unknown
in this dark, brooding shell
which, tonight, would be "home."

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Floral Fantasy

Rose water, pure,
scent cool and clear,
a dab of pink petal
behind the ear . . .
crimson rose on the hair
spritzed fine as dew --
lilac essence wafts in
for a bouquet anew.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Healing that heals
simply cannot be
assigned to a chair
on the periphery. 
No, no -- front and center
it must be free
to assume upon
when thoughts must be spoken
or actions taken,
when others exclaim,
"That's not you!"  (They're mistaken.) 
Healing that heals
will insert itself
into life's open spaces --
it won't hide on a shelf. 
For healing that heals
is a live thing, not dead;
no more huddles and tunnels --
shine the light, instead!


Love there is and will be --
breezy voice of the sea
sings songs that thou
mayst peaceful be;
that rocks may hold fast
through breaking waves,
outlasting cool hearts
and scheming knaves;
water's arms reaching out
not to crush thee, but to buoy
and transport thee
to fields of joy.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Gypsy's Prayer

Let the wind whip my face
so the tears won't show --
let the sea shower droplets
as thick as snow --
as I tear past the craggy crests
wrapped in torn cape,
love's tapestry shredded
in hasty escape.   

Friday, June 8, 2012

Beyond All Measure*

*Dedicated to all who are trying to save the River Shannon.

Threads dangling,
God's river hanging
on the words of a committee --
flimsy plans, such a pity! 
If they'd only listen to the 
men of the river -- 
algal blooms to make one shiver
will spread with Nature's cry suppressed
as city men of means, well-dressed,
seize water from the country folk,
around their necks place Dublin's yoke,
and watch the Shannon bleed her treasure

Thursday, June 7, 2012


In sleepy sojourn
through midday heat,
carpet of grass
cooling my feet,
I wade through
sun's splash
of brilliant white --
impossible sight --
blinding blanket of light . . .
and rest myself there
in the branch-thatched glade,
savoring the romance
between sun and shade.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Old Shoes

I need to step back,
for I cannot breathe
or hear the wind
rustle through the trees. 
Memory's caught
on a branch somewhere,
and I lost my sleeve
miles and miles back there. 
My shoes are worn,
my head is hot
with all of those feelings
I lived and forgot. 
Nothing's familiar,
yet nothing's new;
no one has lied,
yet little rings true. 
I'm alive,
I can tell,
but I'm no longer certain
at what point memory
drew the curtain. 
So what did I leave
and what did I lose --
How long have I worn
these ratty old shoes?

The Magnificent Hair of D. Hooley

Orange, auburn, burnt sienna,
amber, golden, burnished henna,
parallel strains of lustrous flair --
those shimmering strands of D. Hooley's hair! 
Five or six I was, when I noticed the shine,
stripes swinging in tandem, uniformity divine;
for nary a hair ever swung out of place,
all swishing together above D. Hooley's face. 
No wallflower was he, but an agile sprite
with freckles galore sprinkled brown and bright;
and that hair, it flicked this way and that like a flame
as he cruised 'cross the playground to sprinting fame,
while the girls blushed in awe of the mischievous Hooley --
myself for his hair which was never unruly.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Her tests were long
and her riddles were cruel. 
He smiled and he bore it
like a carefree fool. 
But alone, he wept,
heart's river set free,
bursting out of its bounds --
mind tossed at sea.
She marked his work "F"
when it deserved a "B." 
She bestowed an "A"
when it called for a "C." 
She made no sense,
and he gave no sign
of love's fire burning
past reason or rhyme . . . 
while she gamely walked
a very fine line,
love twisting 'round
her heart like a vine. 
Into his eyes
she refused to look;
a declaration of love
his fear would not brook. 
'Round and 'round each spun
the other, insane
with love incognito,
consuming flame. 
Then, one fine day,
the spinning stopped: 
Into his arms,
mad schoolmistress dropped. 
He embraced her and asked,
"What 'grade' will this be?" 
She replied, looking stern,
"An 'F' or a 'D.'" 
With that, he knew
love had won the day --
and never again
did she give him an "A."