Friday, September 9, 2011

The Odyssey

Still so confusing,
a superimposed awakening by degrees,
visually jarring each time
as I steal second glances
(keep it smooth, smooth),
and it's just so unheard of,
this Rip Van Winkle feeling
of "'conscious' but still 'coming to.'"
Can't grasp how they've aged this way -- is this real?
Yes, yes, the wrinkles are real -- it's serious.
Now 20 years have passed
and there was this big bridge over this big gap
which I obviously missed crossing (no bridge left for me),
so in the last five minutes I quickly leapt over the chasm.
Late, I'm so late,
don't want to be left behind
(although I really am),
and here I am,
rolling, rolling, 
grass, twigs, and dirt
stuck to my hair and clothes (clean up -- you're a disgrace!)
like a parachutist just
after an emergency exit -- 
20 years ago.
Good luck to me.

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