Monday, September 12, 2011


Out of this chaos,
make your plan.

     How on earth?
     Is this a joke?

No, and please,
make that plan.

     But with which pieces
     of the chaos do I start?
     Top first, or bottom?
     Left first, or right?

A plan will solidify,
impart direction.

     But which way?

The plan,
don't you know?
It flows from you.

    It does?

Like this --

     I don't see anything.

Try this --

     Nothing's happening.

OK, let's start at the top.  Got a ladder?


OK, then, let's start at the bottom.
Got a dumpster?


Why are you dusting that lamp?

     Because it's dusty.

There are thousands of dusty things here.
This is not a strategic choice.
Why, out of everything, are you starting with this?

    Because I can reach it.

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