Friday, September 30, 2011

This and That

People are most helpful when they recognize where they end and God begins.  This distinction is what separates true works of mercy from their insidious counterfeits:  control and manipulation.

Flattery versus friendship:  Flattery seeks to further the Kingdom of Me.  Friendship reaches out even when there's nothing to be gained.

Being known in the right and reasonable ways can be a bulwark of sanity and the greatest consolation.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Looking back (one year ago) . . . . .

Jesus and Me

My conversion to a more rigorous and intellectually upgraded Christianity seems to be fragmenting to pieces.

But, then again, anything that is artificial in me -- let it break.

I'm beginning to sense that real holiness is going to turn out to be far different than I'd imagined it to be.  I thought I'd imagined it devastatingly well, when in fact I'd imagined it devastatingly.

Holiness, I believe, is going to have to begin with some grassroots gratitude for things just as they are and just as they were.  No overcoat of gloss, no sanding over the rough edges, no erasing the splotches . . . . 

September 4, 2010

~ Turquoise

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Frightened Bird

There will be days of doubt,
but when the time comes,
you will sing,
not for yourself,
but for God's mysterious purposes;
and, in this, it will not matter
what rank or genus or species you are.
Only the song will matter,
so if you pray for the wind to bring it forth,
God will carry it
where it needs to go,
and the sound will speak
of Him.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Time's Due

Perspective change --
and thoughts cost more,
less able to flit
here and there as before.
More leaden, more fixed,
more concentrated pain,
less able to distract
for momentary gain.
More weighty, more real,
non-negotiable views,
with a strong aversion to
frivolous news.
Get to the bottom line --
don't waste time.
The long, crooked route
is a spiritual crime.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Without the depths of gratitude,
nothing worthy stands.
Persons are dispensable;
words -- just shifting sands.
Value comes then leaves again,
changing with the moon.
Love flows in then ebbs away
from midnight to high noon.
Nothing stable, nothing sure,
nothing fixed in stone --
when gratitude is missing,
man loves himself alone.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Strong Arms

When distraught,
it is good to let the
duduk and heavy strings
seep slowly into the soul,
like the strong arms of a father
bending low to lift his child
                    to his shoulders,
                         then, with a knowing smile,
                              gently in the air above his head --
transcendence speaking
in no uncertain 

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Knowing isn't everything,
and seeing doesn't bestow domination.
Being in God,
just being,
amidst the knowing and the seeing,
is all
that is asked
of a man.


"Something is wrong,"
murmurs the wind to the sky.
Uneasy down here,
I appeal on high.
All is calm,
all is still,
but something eludes me,
pray though I will.
Expectant, I wait
(for what, I don't know),
as I hold fast to hope, begging,
"Please, hope, don't go."

Just Between Me

They like to think they know you,
so they ask no questions,
smiling benevolently
at the you they've decided
you are --
who you are not.
And they would have you remain
that way
as they glide right past you
to greet the you
who doesn't exist --
because it so pleases them
to have settled upon
any fixed idea of you
at all
which, by the way,
is probably much more
manageable and tolerable
than the you
you really are.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


A sensitive nerve tweaked
by talk of weakness and failings,
then a subtle shift inside.
The poetry changes,
as I am left without a script,
agenda skewed,
lodged on a new plane of thought,
Tried to glean the last wind of thought
that passed through,
but to no avail.
Here, there is no
and feelings last forever.
Nothing more to say 
on such a disorienting day.

Friendship's Call

Friendship's call can be heard
miles and miles away,
even when one does not
know what to say.
The spirit remains,
though courage be weak;
and when words are needed,
God will help one to speak.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Holding Fast

There are times when a person
can see straight through,
while others rush to chide,
"Only you?  Only you?"

The Delicate Balance

There are those who smash rising truth
without thinking twice . . .
who, in the name of love and duty,
flatten wonder,
and dawning realizations
with the tacit supremacy of
the intractable,
the material,
the practical . . . 
and something is lost,
perhaps forever,
when tender infant thoughts
must fly away abruptly
to make room
for another's brusque concrete and immediate.
Is this truly the flowering of mutual charity,
or is this a tragic
misunderstanding of duty's sweeter way
whose flawed spirit --
tainting its best works with the blunt force of a hammer --
will most quickly crush the soul?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Native Hunger

There is something up there,
out in the open,
beyond the lies and evasions
and the million little cowardices of man;
and the ravenous hunger draws me
away from walls and ceilings and doors
to the 
great Out There,
where freedom is a garment 
I can feel
blowing against my arms,
whipping back and forth in the wind,
widening my eyes
from tunnels to skies . . .
and I try to remember
this feeling of Free,
so that I can bring it back with me
inside the walls and ceilings and doors
and never lose me

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Montage for a Beloved Soul

Roses for your memories,
scattered with glee at a New York curb,
shower of petals
drifting gently down
upon a soft small face in a carriage,
a toddler pulling a tricycle,
a young child skipping past the Coca-Cola playground,
ice cream dripping on a park bench,
legs dangling.
Roses, fresh and blooming,
roses, pure,
roses, innocent,
roses, bursting with color and life.
Roses, sweet roses, for your

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Quiet Demise

Into pieces trust crumbled,
silence enshrouding
the breakage,
that tender point at which
buckled and snapped,
showering splinters into the 
of a spirit
already shattered.

Injustice Severe

Out of sync,
raw nerves triggered
by a blast of unknown scent
inhuman, unfriendly, unbearable,
wafting through the trees,
tainting the sweet forest
then gone, gone . . . 
except for what is left
in me,
pulsing through my head
pounding for over a day,
stealing my time, my life,
belittling intentions,
erasing plans,
mocking the calendar,
setting obscure nerves into
frightening seizures of motion,
and tilting my world
beyond my reach.
This, the destruction wreaked 
by harsh and unforgiving
thus rearranged and approved by man
then borne away with the wind
to no account.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


A daunting, terrifying
thing it can be
for Present to embrace Past,
saying, "This, too, is me."


Hope . . . 
a sudden flicker of light,
blanket of calm down deep,
mystery whispering to the soul,
"Perhaps all is not lost, after all.
Take my hand."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No Surrender

World preoccupied and deaf, 
I will not surrender my meaning
to your oblivion.
The truth in me will endure.
There is no small truth in the universe.
It is all as majestic as the
all bathed in God's glory,
even if no human eyes
ever see it,
even if no human ear
ever hears it.
My cry is real.
He hears.
He knows.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Out of this chaos,
make your plan.

     How on earth?
     Is this a joke?

No, and please,
make that plan.

     But with which pieces
     of the chaos do I start?
     Top first, or bottom?
     Left first, or right?

A plan will solidify,
impart direction.

     But which way?

The plan,
don't you know?
It flows from you.

    It does?

Like this --

     I don't see anything.

Try this --

     Nothing's happening.

OK, let's start at the top.  Got a ladder?


OK, then, let's start at the bottom.
Got a dumpster?


Why are you dusting that lamp?

     Because it's dusty.

There are thousands of dusty things here.
This is not a strategic choice.
Why, out of everything, are you starting with this?

    Because I can reach it.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Odyssey

Still so confusing,
a superimposed awakening by degrees,
visually jarring each time
as I steal second glances
(keep it smooth, smooth),
and it's just so unheard of,
this Rip Van Winkle feeling
of "'conscious' but still 'coming to.'"
Can't grasp how they've aged this way -- is this real?
Yes, yes, the wrinkles are real -- it's serious.
Now 20 years have passed
and there was this big bridge over this big gap
which I obviously missed crossing (no bridge left for me),
so in the last five minutes I quickly leapt over the chasm.
Late, I'm so late,
don't want to be left behind
(although I really am),
and here I am,
rolling, rolling, 
grass, twigs, and dirt
stuck to my hair and clothes (clean up -- you're a disgrace!)
like a parachutist just
after an emergency exit -- 
20 years ago.
Good luck to me.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


They speak to each other,
they acknowledge each other, 
but not you.
They talk around you,
even mentioning your name,
but not to you.
Perhaps they have forgotten to remember
that you're as real as they are,
that their erasing of you does not also
erase the pain you feel
at being rendered

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ode to Garlic

Dearest Garlic,
How I thank thee,
sweetly sulfuric friend,
dome-shaped "Russian penicillin,"
stalwart annihilator of germs,
hardy bulb enfolding all
in the pungent embrace of your scent,
lifter of mood,
bringer of warmth,
strengthener of bonds,
nurturer of families,
giver of robust health!
Those of delicate nose, sadly,
run from you,
and now they will run from me!
But how can I not sing
your praises?
They must not know --
those who try to mute your perfume
or deodorize you out of their homes --
how sweet and tangy you smell and taste,
roasted in the oven,
lavished as butter
upon potatoes!
Ah, you are exquisitely preferable
to all the plastic scents of the
synthetic world,
which prefer themselves
and their toxic glitter
to the chubby, stubby,
wondrous creation called


Today, in the course of an ordinary life,
an ordinary person
lit up the ordinary way
with ordinary words,
somehow more eloquent
than the most brilliant sonnet,
wiser for wear than the most learned philosopher,
with a reality
that didn't circle the perimeter of my mind
but reached in with both hands and grabbed
my heart.

Monday, September 5, 2011


A shift to the left,
and the present came into full focus,
herself abruptly inserted back in it --
after months of dislocation
when she'd found herself standing
just to the right of present time,
watching it fly by,
helpless to feel a part, 
unable to claim her place,
lonely for her place,
lonely for herself,
aching for her time --
because this was not her time.
Her time, instead, had merged into that of a
much younger self,
raw, unfinished,
nudged precipitously out into the present
but not part of it,
an energetic fragment
with fervent wishes and dreams
and the vehement "I won't" of youth.
But tonight, all is calm and clear
in present time --
young and old side-by-side,
no decades clashing,
no battle of wills.
From the benevolent heights of peace,
older beholds the younger, willful and alive,
and knows now, as a mother learns her child,
the impossible wishes that can
never be granted.
She knows,
and the knowing must become
the fulfillment.

Shadow Play

When dawn is not complete,
the furtive creatures of the night
with increased stealth pursue their goals
under cover of partial light.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


There is a certain kind of omission
which feels not merely as though
something lovely and courteous is missing,
but rather like a slap.
one can only reel within
until God chooses to mitigate
the sting.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Warrior Bond

There is a kind of truth
indelibly fierce and alive
which flies through the air like
an arrow piercing the mind
so deeply,
no passing illusion
can ever pluck it out.
Thus wounded,
the mind confronts
its match
and, in a split-second of knowing --
a flash of unflinching precision --
truth forges a bond.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Do They Cry?

Grownups learn that
sometimes people just go out of style,
worn for a time
like trusty old coats or sweaters
then, one day, tossed aside.
But as a child,
I firmly believed that my
discarded treasures