Friday, October 19, 2012

Wordsmiths' Soiree

You hear me --
you don't? 
Ah, well,
so it rains. 
Words tasted,
words wasted --
no efforts,
no gains. 
We whisper, we shout,
we rhyme, we "prose" --
nuances layered
beyond what shows. 
So wrap your heart warm,
or wrap your heart cool
in words for the wise,
jests for the fool. 
Take your pick, or leave it,
it's all up to you --
evocative verse,
or straight dialogue for two. 
We write, we rest,
words wax, words wane --
shadowy haunt
or bright windowpane. 
You bring self to bear
on the false and the true: 
How will the words fare
when their beholder is you?

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