Friday, March 2, 2012

Growing Pains

The hardest thing after writing, it seems,
is to let a poem hang,
just hang there on the line . . .
waiting  . . . waiting hard to be read . . .
and sometimes it hurts,
hurts far too much,
to see it hanging there;
and I must seize back my poems --
mine!  all mine!  please don't hurt them! --
but, then, how does one hurt a poem?
one fails to read it!
So, although it hurts,
I put the poems back . . .
back . . . back into view,
because I see
(and I've seen this before but then I've forgotten)
that poems live, breathe, and sing
to be read!
And I understand now that my poems,
like children whom we cannot spare all suffering
and struggle in life,
are actually willing
to wait.

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