Friday, August 5, 2011

The Heedless

Shattered -- who knew?
It couldn't be seen.
No bandage, no bleeding, no fuss,
all serene.

But shattered, indeed! --
knew the fly on the wall,
which was far more than anyone else
knew at all.

The fly tried to tell them,
but each turned a deaf ear,
and thus fly became just one more
swatted smear.

Alone now in silence,
the shattered heart crumbled,
while body lay prone on the floor
and lips mumbled

Mumbled a prayer that
someday they'd hear,
that one day they'd notice
and, please God, draw near.

Until then, aloof, 
they would gamely joke,
while in the next room
the shattered heart broke

Broke into pieces
all over the floor,
to be stepped on by all
when they opened the door

And exclaimed, "Look at this!
Our friend is a wreck!
So careless is he,
he could break his own neck!"

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