Thursday, July 14, 2011

"No Room"

A poor man knocked on a rich man's door, smiling and bearing a small gift.  "I cannot receive you now," the preoccupied rich man said to his visitor, lamenting a recent theft of his earnings.  "Please leave the gift with my butler.  Thank you for thinking of me, but I have weighty matters of money on my mind.  Tokens of appreciation cannot possibly make good on what I have just lost."  The small package remained unopened for several weeks, and a maid accidentally threw it away.

The poor man then went to knock on a destitute man's door, smiling and bringing him, also, a small gift.  "I cannot receive you now," the destitute man said to his visitor, ruminating over his empty bank account.  "Thank you for thinking of me, but I have weighty matters of money on my mind.  Small gifts cannot possibly fill the needs I now have."  The little package remained in the outer vestibule, forgotten, and was eventually blown away by the wind.

Little did the rich man know that his gift package had contained notice of an estate settlement corresponding exactly to the worth of his recent loss.  Little did the destitute man know that his gift package had contained a letter offering him the job he had always wanted.

In the end, neither the rich man nor the poor man had room in his heart to receive the "widow's mite."

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