Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cruel Dominion

There is a tyrant,
hidden, stealthy,
who whimsically
foments crises
in the blink of an eye --
between evening and dawn,
between morning and afternoon,
between one hour and another --
catapulting its subject
in a seismic jolt
to the four winds.

If it had a face,
this tyrant,
it would be the face of a monster,
a madman.

If this tyrant had a body,
it would be that of a
vicious, clinging

If this tyrant had hands,
they would be giant

If this tyrant had eyes,
they would be obsessed,

If this tyrant had a mind,
it would be twisted,
reeking with the stench of lies,
lies promising Heaven
to the body, to the mind . . .
but, instead,
delivering Hell.

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