Saturday, September 29, 2012

When Daylight Weeps

Some dreams,
not quite nightmares --
but whose secrets
they keep --
cast shadows long, sickly,
dark, and deep
over precipices
steep . . .
so grim, so unyielding
as to make daylight

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


First, I am a musician; then, I am a poet. 

When the musician needs to speak, poetry recites the song. 

When the poetry runs breathless, the poet becomes a writer. 

When writing will not suffice, both musician and poet -- of one heart -- weep.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Bittersweet rises,
clarity warm and cool
opening doors,
gently closing others,
mirror reflecting
only what is necessary
for an instant,
glimpse of hope
mingled with sorrow
all at once,
truth's embrace
and release.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Voice from the Mist

In the car
I heard it
twenty-two years
and it fit
like a glove
how it hurt
but it already hurt
so the song
was a friend
close to the heart
so close it became
and when that piece
broke off
I left it on the road
in the dark
in the mist
myself an unfinished
tossed . . .
but tonight --
I heard it again: 
the sad, brave cry
of a bosom friend,
tormented song long estranged
speaking now
of then.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


There was some truth in that fiction. 
I saw it run down the block
and leap over a picket fence,
seeking refuge in a novelist's abode,
where it climbed through an open window
and was discovered, blunt and stout,
trying to hide behind a pen.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Broken Chains

Between sunrise
and sweet hyacinth,

April showers

and cicadas,

autumn leaves

and apple pie,

winter puddings

and rose-red Valentines,

break their chains

and water on the face




be kind . . . 

Ask the soldier
back from war,

ask the victim freed

what shadows each

in the middle of the night,

in the middle of the day --

that which will not

go away . . .

no magic to say,

only shock
to pay.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Indestructible

Goodness --
inviolate . . . 
itself, its own defense: 
having one,
but needing none.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Traveling through Poets

New poems, new poets --
like new houses,
each with its own special
decor . . .
some bright,
some cool,
some warm,
some dim,
some "natural,"
all vulnerable -- 
with his own
And so it rains

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Photo

I talk to a photo I recently met,
pondering things I can't forget. 
His eyes look back, frank and aware,
and I so much wish he were really there. 
What would he say?  I have no idea --
but with a face such as that,
I would have no fear. 
Rest in peace, dear soul
whom I never knew --
could you pray for me (?)
and I'll pray for you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Blackened Forest

The forest was in a rage: 
Rows of sleek black stallions lunged
through the thicket,
between the trees,
across the quiet paths
forged by decades of plodding feet --
air electric
with the passage of brute force.