Friday, August 31, 2012

Let It

Let it rain.  
Let it wash away disinterest, pain, 
leaving only that which wishes to be 
companion -- buoyant breeze so free, 
rustling invisible wings 
in applause at the greatness of simple things.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Messenger

Amid the stream of daily,
a silent story winds it way
through trellised passage, arbor sweet,
and mown fields lined with hay. 
A tragedy in motion,
though the action is subdued. 
No one would ever notice it,
unless the heart he viewed: 
a heart full sore with love, alone --
four chambers, open doors
to one who might not ever walk
upon the gleaming floors
of rooms with windows flung so wide,
a hawk could find refuge
to meditate and birth its young
in sanctuary huge. 
These are the rooms where love awaits,
just behind the gaping hole
in heart curtained with tenderness
for one beloved soul.

Friday, August 24, 2012

All of Me

The personal selves were very unhappy
with their fading reception from me. 
(I'd put them away after they'd had their day
in sobering poetry.) 
Systems went haywire, emotions intense --
front and center, their battles they waged
around one lone host in one lone body;
thus, the clashing of life forces raged. 
We haven't talked much, for exhausted I've been,
too weary to peek inside,
but I already know what they want, what they need;
from my own selves I cannot hide. 
So I issue again dynasty plural in words,
affirming those queens -- and kings --
of sandcastles proper and rubber-band planes
and teenage coiffures and things . . .
those younger ones warring to be heard,
begging only to walk in daylight;
the elders -- aged memory banks
of mornings turned into long night. 
All are one and one is all --
I should never have cast them away. 
Whenever we stray from the truth that is ours,
in the strangest ways, we pay.


young rising star in the Eastern sky,
sparkling voice
of soft mystique,
rippling like clear water
over the smoothest stones,
to hear you sing
brings unspoken healing. 
Sweet, strong bird of song,
fly, fly
with your voice touch the sky
from Turkey to Armenia
with love.

Author's note:  Ani, "The City of 1001 Churches," was the cultural and spiritual hub of ancient Armenia.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Out of sync in every way,
body clock thinks night is day,
with self denied its reverie
and memory filed so cleverly
out of sight but deep in mind --
its divisions of a novel kind: 
by angle's angle and perspective's tilt,
contrast and content to make spirit wilt. 
Both with and against the moon body flows,
in accord with a script only memory knows.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Love's Finding

Heart's insight, aflame,
bears witness to itself,
shooting like a meteor
even where it would not go,
compelled by its own seeking force
to that place beyond words
where "what is"
outshines "what isn't" . . .
constellations laid bare,
diamonds trembling with light,

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Summer bows to Fall 
The air begins to focus 
Calm, cool, crisp, clear 
Something lost grows closer
to my bones, my marrow --
just as I,
anemic with nightmares and their shadows,
feel my strength
draining away. 
Only a fool
loses strength
for no reason at all. 
But the air is keen,
the air is sharp;
and, now and then,
I dare to dream
that dignity will return.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Desert Maiden

Wind wrapped around
the silence in her heart,
casting sand in eyes
unworthy to read
its secrets.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


With just a slight flight of fancy, 
mind can weave wispy stems of thought 
into a beaded chain of Queen Anne's Lace 
streaming with sunlight, dewy with last rain, 
jewel of paupers and barefoot maidens 
who know how to kneel 
before the splendor of a 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hug for a House

New roof "bejeweled"
in iridescent blue,
embraces old stone
with warm, sparkling hue. 
House smiles anew!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Cutting Edge

Consumed with this 
Consumed with that  
Don't say this now 
Don't do that later  
Must show up this eve 
Must meet so-and-so here  
Might offend him 
Might enrage her.  
Strings and bows  
Become knots and yokes  
"If this," "then that," and 
"I'll lose!" 
Yes, you'll lose. 
You'll lose your head, your heart, 
your soul, your shoes. 
Please them here, please them there -- 
there's an endless amount of pleasing to spare. 
But it begins to wear. 
They see you losing so much 
but they don't know how to care, 
they've not much to say -- 
because they never knew you, 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


The tone had an alien note,
rhythm off,
and I paused,
unfamiliar --
because, after all,
I was just the same old

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Hand

In her heart, not a word of his love could land;
for focused was she, intent on his hand. 
It gripped her hand as though it could snatch
all of her lost love in swift-fielded catch. 
So determined was he, so suppliant, so thorough;
yet within her, unease began to burrow. 
She kept her thoughts hidden during his verbal cascade
of "love" this and "love" that, will's desperate tirade. 
For in the hand -- now she couldn't have specified this --
but in the hand, the way it sat, there was something amiss. 
The skin, white and cool; the fingers, thick and strong;
an artist was he -- but then, something was wrong. 
It was a hand of will, a hand of strength
yet contained and complacent -- would it go love's length? 
Or would it harden and close, clenching into a fist? 
Would it ever explode, and could such a fist miss? 
Hands down, she decided:  He must let go. 
But he wouldn't, at first, when she told him so. 
She needed no more, then, but to get away --
leaving him in yesterday.

Friday, August 3, 2012


A tree will yield: 
Its branches bend
to drape cool leaves
and comfort lend. 
A tree will bow
to mighty winds;
no scourge of pride
its deference dims. 
It does what it must,
and it holds its peace
'midst the weak and the strong,
the greatest and least.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Green and the Winged

Still and quiet,
hazy, lazy day. 
Hymn note sustained: 
the green mantises pray. 
The winged ones chant
innocence's mysterious psalm: 
sound transparent,