Friday, July 27, 2012

Silent Appeal

I cannot say
there is knowing in me --
I catch a breeze,
behold a tree;
the sun and clouds color
my mind and the sky,
the tint of haze bringing
electric squiggles to my eye;
and yet sometimes I think
I can feel a heart cry --
I want to rush over
and wipe the tears dry. 
When I can't, that hurts
more than anything --
to desert a poor heart
with a broken wing.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Rain through the roof
and a chipmunk in the sink;
a sock dropped into the commode . . . 
'Tis best to smile and wink.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Innocent Eyes

O seagull over the mountaintop! 
Hello, sweet bird, please do not stop
your plaintive cry o'er sculpted terrain
of rocky peak and grassy plain;
tell them what you saw and heard
tell them, though you can't utter a word
tell them with your timbre and tone
just what you saw from your perch, all alone.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Hand in the invisible storm
reaches out to give a lift: 
No "May I help you?" needed --
the gesture speaks the gift.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Knight's Day

Beyond front of armaments, castle, and moat
stood a knight in abject terror
lest, stepping outside, he be seized by the winds
and blown about like a feather. 
From casement above, one finger he poised
to gauge wind's true direction;
crown of hair followed suit, then eyes, then nose --
worried visage forsaking protection. 
Bold move was this, and the feisty air danced
with delight at his braving the breeze;
alarmed at the din, knight pulled back within,
though his sole wound sustained was a sneeze. 
With hankie for shield, he leaned forth once more
and exposed his face to the air,
stark terrified lest he sneeze again
and surrender control then and there. 
But the sun's rays beckoned as clouds' chubby grins
graced sky's royal blue robust;
entranced by the sight was the hapless knight,
now resolved:  "Step outside I must!" 
The castle quaked as drawbridge lowered
over limpid moat: 
Knight walked forward, head raised high,
his spirit near afloat. 
And Terra Firma, docile to
knight's heels commanding clay,
yielded sweet submission to
her Knight reclaiming day.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Always tried to make myself "olive"
or fair
and tame my "fat" chestnut, red-streaked
hair --
to belong. 
No blue-green of eye
(no "love me or I'll die!")
but "love me or I'll kill you" woodsy brown,
black eyebrows thick
for that "gravitas" frown --
all wrong. 
Lefty, not righty,
broke the mold of family tree
not twice, but thrice -- no middle name in sight --
whatever happened to me? 
I know not the answers --
know even less as I forge my way . . . . . 
I'm just that peculiar "whoever I am,"
hair growing blacker (with silver!) each day.

Friday, July 13, 2012


I edit, these days,
until nearly all gone
are spontaneous thoughts
and words' pulse, once strong. 
I edit, these days,
until I can't recognize
any genuine feelings
behind their disguise. 
I edit, these days,
until I'm one long stutter
of half-baked thoughts
barely worth the mutter. 
I edit, these days,
because I learnt well how to hide
the blunt force of my thoughts
and my hardheaded side. 
I edit, these days --
and this is a terrible poem (!),
but I'll leave it this way
to lead my true self home.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


It smells like the sea
o'er the mountains today
the air misty gauze
mother-of-pearl tinted grey
with silvery blue mixed into the hue
downy breeze on my face
whispering "I love you."

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

To Hope

OK, everybody -- you can laugh, but phrases stick with me and I've just read this one:  "Who Knows?"

Now this melody is going through my head and I really can't help myself -- I just love this song:

Happy day.      :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Through closing malls
and vacant halls
the storyline ascends
and falls
while dream deposits
dreamer in
familiar lots
bereft of kin
trying hard
to locate home
and finding herself
all alone.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


when the spirit of a man
flows through arm
onto canvas, 
igniting life 
in eyes sketched
with fire
from his own

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fire and Brimstone

Fire and brimstone -- let them rage
and bleed and spill upon the page
till fire's spent and brimstone's cold;
anguish lonely, wound of old. 
Come rest poor head upon kind knee --
warm hand to hold,
sweet comfort for thee.


"So patently ruthless and loveless,"
noted he,
"and yet for that frailty
do I love thee."